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Kocaeli, (DHA)The kitten which was stuck in between the water drain and the roof of the 6-storey apartment, saved by the fire department with a ladder in Kocaeli´s Derince district.The incident took place in the Sırrıpaşa neighborhood of Derince district in the morning. The resident of the apartment Akif Kartal saw a crow landing in front of his window. Then Akif Kartal opened his window to see what is going on. Then he realized that there was a cat stuck in between the water drain and the roof of the 6-storey apartment that he lived in. He called the fire department. A fire crew of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality came to the building and saved the kitten from where it was stuck with a ladder."CROW HELPED TO FIND THE KITTEN""Constant landing of the crow surprised me. When I opened the window and saw the kitten stuck it occurred to me that crow was trying to inform me about it. I was very touched when I saw this sensitivity shown by animals. Fire crews also rescued the cat with care and without wasting time" said Akif Kartal.(PHOTOS)DHA-English News Türkiye-Kocaeli

2021-07-06 11:54:37

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