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Alisan KOYUNCU/ IZMIT (Kocaeli), (DHA)Financial advisor Fevzi Yıldırım (40), who is being treated in intensive care due to coronavirus in Kocaeli, said that he regrets delaying vaccination.

Fevzi Yıldırım, who lives in Kocaeli, is being treated in the intensive care unit of Derince Research Hospital due to Covid-19. Financial advisor Yildirim said that he should have been vaccinated in March, but he delayed receiving the vaccine by saying 'Today or tomorrow I will go'. "Normally, according to the vaccination calendar, I should´ve received the vaccine in March, but I delayed it by saying 'I will go today, I will go tomorrow'. I have not been vaccinated. Then in July, my wife had a dose of vaccination, but I was not vaccinated again. My wife got sick by Covid-19, at the end of August. She survived because he was vaccinated" said Yildirim.


"I probably caught it from my wife, but her symptoms appeared 6 days later. It first came out with sweating, but there was a delay of 4-5 days in going to the health institution. In this process, the disease reached my lungs. So my condition got worse. I regret not being vaccinated. Here too, I insistently call out to everyone; get vaccinated, protect your loved ones and your own life" said Yildirim inviting everyone to get the Covid-19 vaccine.(PHOTOS)DHA-English News Türkiye-Kocaeli

2021-09-19 12:52:00

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