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Omer KOC/KAHRAMANMARAS, (DHA)The delegation from Russia, regarding the crash of the firefighting plane in which 8 people, 3 Turks, and 5 Russians, lost their lives in Kahramanmaras, made investigations in the accident area. The bodies of the Russian crew were sent to their country with a ceremony.

In the fire that broke out near the rural Ilıca District of Kahramanmaras' Onikisubat district, the teams intervened from the air and land. During the intervention, the Beriev-200 type firefighting aircraft, which Turkey rented from Russia to be used in firefighting efforts, crashed on the slope of Engizek Mountain at around 14:30. In the accident, 3 Turkish and 5 Russian personnel lost their lives. The bodies of the Russians who lost their lives in the accident were sent to their country with a ceremony.

(PHOTOS)DHA-English News Türkiye-Kahramanmaraş

2021-08-16 16:09:22

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