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Mahir ALAN/ADIYAMAN, (DHA) During the excavations carried out in the ancient city of Perre in Adıyaman, the skeletons of a man, that are thought to date back a thousand years, were found.

Excavations continue in the ancient city of Perre, which is located in the Örenli District and is one of the five largest cities of the Kingdom of Commagene. During the excavations carried out on an area of 2 decares in the center of the ancient city of Perre and its living area, a tomb was found surrounding it with stones from the Byzantine period. Pottery was found near the grave, which contained the skeletons of a man.


"Here we found an interesting burial structure. This burial structure was surrounded by stones and a male skeleton emerged. This male skeleton was lying on his back and pottery was also found in the tomb. In our explorative, we determined that the skeleton belongs to the Byzantine period, a thousand years ago." said Director of the Adıyaman Museum Mehmet Alkan who examined the excavations.(PHOTOS)DHA-English News Türkiye-Adıyaman

2021-07-01 13:48:46

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