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Tolga YILDIRIM/ ANTALYA, (DHA)The 1-month-old squirrel, which survived the wildfires that lasted for 10 days in the Manavgat district of Antalya, was brought to the private clinic in the city by animal lovers for treatment. Efforts are to heal the baby squirrel's third-degree burns.Thousands of animals died in the wildfires that lasted for 10 days in Manavgat. The treatment of animals rescued during the containing of wildfires continues. The baby squirrel that survived the flames was brought to the private clinic in Antalya for treatment. Efforts are being made to heal the third-degree burns on the body of the baby squirrel, which is said to be 1 month old. The squirrel, whose nose, neck, and feet were burned, is still in critical condition.CANNOT LIVE IN NATUREIt is stated that although the squirrel, which has been given special care due to its life-threatening injuries, managed to survive, it would be impossible for it to live in nature again because it would not have hind legs due to gangrene. Veterinarian Sefer Kucuker said that the treatment of the squirrel, which started to improve after it was brought to the clinic, would take at least 1 month."It was brought to us from Manavgat by animal lovers. It had third-degree burns when it arrived. The squirrel has severe burns on its front and hind legs. We'll lose its hind legs due to the burn. There was no eating and drinking, its breathing was bad. After oxygen was given, fluid feeding was started. Today is a little better than yesterday. It´s not out of danger yet. We will do our best to help the squirrel recover" said Veterinarian Sefer Kucuker. Footage:

-The treatment of the squirrel

 -Footage from the clinic

 -Footage of squirrel

(PHOTOS)DHA-English News Türkiye-Antalya

2021-08-10 14:36:14

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