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Cavit AKGÜN/MUGLA, (DHA)Scottish actor Mike Mitchell (65), who was on vacation in Fethiye, Mugla, died while taking a shower in the marina. It is believed that Mitchell has died of a heart attack.

Burak Ardahan, the marina's business manager, checked the cabin when he noticed that actor Mike Mitchell hadn't gotten out of the shower for a long time. When Ardahan found Mitchell on the ground, he informed the medical teams. Paramedics arrived and determined that Mike Mitchell was dead.


Mitchell's body was taken to the morgue of Mugla Forensic Medicine Institute for autopsy procedures. Police launched an investigation into the incident. Mitchell's exact cause of death will be clarified after the autopsy.(PHOTOS)DHA-English News Türkiye-Muğla

2021-07-25 13:52:46

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