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Tolga YILDIRIM/ANTALYA, (DHA)Ayse Sirip (23) in Antalya, 108 centimeters tall, started martial arts to have a healthy body and turned to weightlifting to strengthen her arms and body a year ago. Sirip won the gold medal at the Physically Disabled Weightlifting Championship in Adana, the first championship she participated in. Saying that she overcame the feeling of being excluded because of her short stature, with sports, Ayse Şirip aims to become a businesswoman, despite those who say 'you can't do it'.

Ayse Sirip was born with achondroplasia. Sirip, who had a difficult time in her childhood, clung to life to become a strong woman. Sirip, who graduated from Akdeniz University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Archeology, first started martial arts to have a healthy body, and a year ago she turned to weightlifting to strengthen her arms and body.


Sirip, who trained in Antalya Sports Hall under the management of trainer Ekrem Celil, won a gold medal in the Physically Disabled Weightlifting Championship held in Adana. Ayse, who overcomes the feeling of being excluded because of her short stature, said that she always aims to be successful, despite those who say 'you can't do it'. Sirip, who started her career with a championship and is preparing for a master's degree, expressed the change in her life with sports. Explaining that she felt uncomfortable with the looks of those around her when she went for a walk before, Sirip said that her self-confidence increased with sports.


Sirip, who states that she dreams of working in the excavation field, aims to be a strong businesswoman by reflecting her success in sports to her business life. Saying that she is interested in the legends of Artemis, the goddess of nature, who is the symbol of fertility in Greek mythology, Ayse Sirip wants to be known as the 'Artemis of the weightlifting world'. Sirip, who is also preparing for the European and world championships, said that she wants to have a job where she can continue her education and sports.Footage:

-Interview with Ayse Sirip

-Sirip's weightlifting(PHOTOS)DHA-English News Türkiye-Antalya

2021-09-01 12:50:08

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