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        Sorumluluk Beyanı

        Finansal Tablo Niteliği


        İlgili ŞirketlerRelated Companies[]İlgili FonlarRelated Funds[]İngilizceEnglishTürkçeTurkishoda_RepresentationLetterAbstract|Sorumluluk BeyanıRepresentation Letteroda_CorrectionAnnouncementFlag| Yapılan Açıklama Düzeltme mi?Correction Notification FlagHayır (No)Hayır (No)oda_DateOfThePreviousNotificationAboutTheSameSubject| Konuya İlişkin Daha Önce Yapılan Açıklamanın TarihiDate Of The Previous Notification About The Same Subject--oda_BoardDecisionDateAndNumberForApprovalOfFinancialStatementsAndOperatingReviewReportAbstract|http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/verboseLabel Finansal Tablo ve Faaliyet Raporunun Kabulüne İlişkin Yönetim Kurulu Karar Tarihi ve SayısıBoard Decision Date and Number for Approval of Financial Statements and Operating Review Reportoda_BoardDecisionDate| Yönetim Kurulu Karar TarihiBoard Decision Date27/08/202427/08/2024oda_BoardDecisionNumber| Karar SayısıBoard Decision Number156156oda_RepresentationLetterPreparedAccordingToRelatedCMBCommuniqueAbstract|http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/terseLabel Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu'nun "Sermaye Piyasasında Finansal Raporlamaya İlişkin Esaslar Tebliği'nin İkinci Bölümünün 9. Maddesi Gereğince Sorumluluk BeyanıRepresentation Letter Prepared According to Item 9, Section 2 of "Principles About Financial Reporting in Capital Market" Communiqué of CMBoda_ExplanationTextBlock|In accordance with the Capital Markets Board's (CMB) "Communiqué on Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in Capital Markets" (Communiqué) numbered II-14.1 "Communiqué on Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in Capital Markets" (Communiqué), the financial statements and the Board of Directors' Annual Report for the accounting period 01.01.2024-31.03.2024 prepared by our Company, together with the footnotes prepared in compliance with the Turkish Accounting Standards/Turkish Financial Reporting Standards (TAS/TFRS) and the formats determined by the CMB, in line with the CMB regulations and we declare that      a) We have examined them,      b) Within the framework of the information we have within the scope of our duties and responsibilities in the Company, the financial statements and annual report do not contain any misrepresentation of the facts on important issues or any omissions that may be misleading as of the date of disclosure,      c) Within the framework of the information we have within the scope of our duties and responsibilities in the Company, the financial statements prepared in accordance with the Communiqué honestly reflect the truth about the Company's assets, liabilities, financial position and profit and loss, and that the annual report honestly reflects the development and performance of the business and the financial position of the Company, together with the significant risks and uncertainties it faces.           Chairman of the Audit Committee     Halil Doğan BOLAK           ______________      

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